From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Deciding on a workflow

Deciding on a workflow

- [Instructor] Once we find ourselves using Sequencer on a regular basis, we will undoubtedly find a workflow that is best suited to the project types that we most commonly find ourselves working on. In this particular video, then, we will discuss two possible ways in which we might decide to use Sequencer. With our first option being to use it as a straightforward linear editor. Now what I mean by that is that we can simply create a single sequence at our cameras, and animations, and scene-state changes to that, and then go from one camera cut to another using Sequencer, as we say, as a straight linear editing tool. Although we could in fact take this approach to the extreme if we wanted, and animate just a single camera inside the level, and then have it jump from position to position, making it look like a series of actual camera cuts. Using Sequencer as a linear editor, though, would mean that it stays nice and easy to keep track of exactly what is doing what and when, as our…
