From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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- [Joel] And with that, we have come to the end of our look at how we can use Unreal Engine Sequencer Tool to create cinematics for our visualization projects. Obviously, we have only looked at adding a limited number of cameras so as to keep the core shot, and we haven't really spent a lot of time making sure that our framing of movement is the best that it could be. With that in mind, then, it would probably be a good skill-building exercise to stretch ourselves a little now and try adding a few more cameras into the mix and to work at improving the moves in the level, maybe doing so after watching a few of these cinematography and photography courses that can be found here in the Learning Library. Another good exercise would be to try and use Sequencer for more than just creating camera moves, keeping in mind that it can also affect static mesh states, animations, lighting, blueprints, and so on. Well, thank you very much for watching through this course. I hope that it's been…
