From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Playing a sequence via Blueprints

Playing a sequence via Blueprints

- [Narrator] In this exercise, we're going to take a look at how we can trigger the playback of a cinematic created in Sequencer via blueprints. Meaning, we can automatically get our sequence to play, either right at the start of a level being launched, or, we can have it start the playback at a very specific predetermined time. Coming to the top of the Unreal U item, we can click on the blueprint button and open up the Level Blueprint from the options list it prepares. In this particular example, we're going to have the cinematic play whenever the level is run, simply for simplicity's sake, but, do keep in mind that we could just as easily have these nodes commence playback of the sequence at any point during the playing of a level. Now the first thing that we need to do, then, is tell the Level Blueprint exactly which sequence it is that we want to work with on playback. And so, coming to the variable section of the My Blueprint tab, we can click to create a new one, and then call…
