From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Sequencer cheat sheet

Sequencer cheat sheet

- [Instructor] In this video I thought it would be good to just quickly take a look at several workflow shortcuts that could potentially help us out as we start to use Sequencer more and more in our projects. We will be going through them fairly quickly, but it is good to note that these tips and more can be found in the Unreal documentation. And so if, like me, you can't always rely on your memory, I would recommend perhaps printing them off for reference purposes. With our master sequence open then, and with our cursor inside the tracks area of the UI, if we right-click and drag, we can quickly and easily navigate along the timeline, making it's a little bit quicker to complete. A really helpful shortcut for when we want to place keyframes at a specific point in the animation would be to use the Control + G keys, which lets us type a specific frame to place our playhead at. And so if we type 50, for instance, and press Enter, we jump to that frame. Next, let's just open up one of…
