From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Spawned vs. possessable cameras

Spawned vs. possessable cameras

- [Instructor] What we want to do in this video is take a look at two ways in which we might choose to use our cameras in sequences. These being known as spawnable and possessable cameras. With our sequence open then, and after making sure that we are inside the Cinematics section of the Mode tab, let's hold down the control key as we left click and drag on the cine camera option. Noticing that this automatically adds the camera to our sequence once we let go of our mouse. And that it automatically makes it a possessable camera. Now what we mean by that is that the sequence is using the camera that exists in the world, and then working through that, rather than the camera only existing inside the sequence itself. To show how this works, if we go ahead and select the camera and its tracks in the sequence, and then delete them, you can see that the camera is still sitting inside the level because the sequence was simply possessing or taking control of the existing camera. If we delete…
