From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Using a crane camera

Using a crane camera

- [Instructor] The final camera rig that we will be looking at here is the crane. Now of course, the space inside which we are operating here is a little cramped for this type of rig as it is probably best suited to a more spacious large environment setting. However, it can still be used to good effect in more confined spaces like this, and so let's take a look in this exercise at how we would go about adding this rig and then controlling its motion. We will of course, once again, want to be inside the Modes tab and have clicked to enter the Cinematics section from where we can click and drag and then place a crane in our project like so. Which for our purposes here, we will quickly set its location to the kitchen area and add a rotation value of zero, zero, and 90. This particular rig has two options that let us control how our camera will move, which we can see if we have the rig selected. These being the crane pitch and crane yaw, which is what will give us an up and down and…
