From the course: Unreal: Creating Visualization Cinematics

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Using the Sequencer UI

Using the Sequencer UI

- [Narrator] With a level sequence added to our project, it's perhaps time to familiarize ourselves with the sequencer UI itself, as we will need to be comfortable with it in order to put the sequencer tool to good use. Obviously as we work with this sequencer UI more and more on different projects, we will become more use to where things are. But, to make a start lets make sure that we have our sequence open, so that we can take a look first of all at some of the most important icons running across the top of the UI. Now the first of which will save our sequence and any changes that we've made to it. Subsequently, showing them in the level of course whenever the sequence runs. Another important button here is the create new camera option, which when clicked will create a camera in the same position as our 3D view and make it the current camera cut in the sequence. It is important to keep in mind that this will be a spawnable camera and obviously will be lost if the sequence is…
