From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Creating a project

Creating a project

Let's go ahead and launch Unreal Engine and create a project. Now, before we do that, let me show you what a project looks like. So in your Exercise Files folder, we have a project that we'll be using later on in the course. So it's called UE5 Essential Training. And if I double-click on this, you'll see it has a bunch of different stuff in it. And so basically, a project is basically a folder which contains all the things you need for your Unreal project. Now one of the most important files has the .uproject extension, and that's the file that shows Unreal where everything is located. Now, probably the most important folder in this or a subfolder in this is the content folder. And that's where all of the content that we'll be using in our Unreal project will live. So let's go ahead and just create a new one to show you how this works. So I'm going to go into the Epic Games launcher and go over to library. So what we want to do is just launch a new version of Unreal Engine. So in this…
