From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Duplicating objects

Duplicating objects

Now let's take a look at how to duplicate objects in Unreal Engine. Now I have a simple scene here, and let's put some fencing around this house. So I have some assets in the assets folder. Let's double-click on this and go into Cabin_Scene. Now under this, I should have a StaticMeshes folder. Open that up and you'll see we have basically most of the objects that are in this particular scene. I want to select the fence object, left-click, and drag. And that just basically creates that object in the scene. But this doesn't create the fence that I want. Obviously, I want more parts to this fence, but the easiest way to do this is to simply take this fence and duplicate it. So we can duplicate objects in a couple of ways. One is to simply right-click over it, edit, duplicate. Now the hotkey for that is "Ctrl + D". So when I do that, notice how in the outliner, I have two of them, but they're in this exact same place. So I'm going to go ahead and use my move tool to move this out. And…
