From the course: Unreal Engine 5 Essential Training

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Environmental lighting

Environmental lighting

Now let's take a look at lighting in Unreal Engine. Now, there are many different types of lights that you can use, and we're going to cover most of them. But the most simple form of lighting is what's called sun and sky. And we've actually been using that throughout this course with this scene. And this is illuminated by using what's called sun and sky. So if I go into my outliner, you'll see we actually have this sun and sky icon and we can turn that on or off, and that provides the light. But we also have a couple of other things that are contributing to the lighting in this scene. And if we turn off the sun and sky, you'll see that, well, we have clouds, so we can turn off these volumetric clouds. I'm just hitting this little eyeball here. And then we also have what's called exponential fog. And that's kind of the haze on the horizon. So we can turn that off. So all of this light is now created using sun and sky. So let's go ahead and just start from scratch and create a new sun…
