From the course: Unreal Engine: ArchViz Design Techniques

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- [Instructor] Performance can make or break any project, and a poor performing VR experience can actually make people sick. As such, it's important to check frame rate and project performance regularly while developing. Fortunately, Unreal is brimming with tools to help you monitor everything from texture memory usage to the exact time it takes the GPU to calculate your shadows. To begin, let's open up the GPU profiler and take a look at the components of your seeing being rendered. The shortcut is CTRL-SHIFT-COMMA. Now keep in mind that this is just a snapshot of a single frame based on the direction and resolution of the editor window, so take that with a grain of salt. For example, if I move this towards the floor, and open the GPU profiler again, we get slightly different values, as the screen space taken up by these different components changes. This is why it's paramount that you test early and often, preferably on the target hardware if you're planning on packaging…
