From the course: Unreal Engine: ArchViz Design Techniques

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Dynamic lighting

Dynamic lighting

- [Instructor] Dynamic or movable lights are a great way to add responsive lighting to your scene. When misused they can lead to a poor preforming project that doesn't even look that good, but when used intentionally it can mask some of the limitations inherit to static lighting and blur the boundary between pre-calculated and real time effects. Let's get started. If you saw the Improved Light Baking segment, you'll recognize these dynamic asset sub-levels. With typical static lighting, shadows are baked into the light maps so the GPU doesn't have to think about it at run time. The trouble is, if anything moves our cover's blown and the illusion is lost. Take the example of something like this sofa. When I move it you can see that there's still a shadow baked into the scene from where it was, while our dynamic assets can move and their shadows update accordingly. By taking this hybrid approach, we can bake the scenes without the dynamic assets and then use moveable lighting to ground…
