From the course: Unreal Engine: ArchViz Design Techniques

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Improved glass

Improved glass

- [Instructor] You may have tried whipping up a simple glass material on a project, only to find that it's missing a couple crucial inputs, namely metallic, specular and roughness. This makes it hard to get realistic reflectivity, and a good surface quality, and instead just looks ghostly and intangible. Here's a quick guide on how to make your own glass more reflective. So, begin by creating a new material. Let's put it in the new materials folder. We'll call it 'improved glass'. Go ahead and open that. Now before we add any nodes to it, go ahead and select the result node, and head over to the details panel. The first thing we'll do is set the blend mode to translucent. And as you can see, it grays out a lot of these options already, as the base translucent blend mode in Unreal doesn't support these. Next, we'll scroll down to the translucency category, and we'll set its lighting mode from volumetric non-directional to surface translucency volume. Now as soon as I did that, normal…
