From the course: Unreal Engine: ArchViz Design Techniques

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Improved light baking

Improved light baking

- [Instructor] Since lightmaps are stored in the level build data, we can use level streaming to break up our scene so that we can make adjustments to the lighting of some assets while preserving others. This can be used to speed up the process as well as enable you to take full advantage of static and dynamic lighting to really bring First, if it's not already open, let's make sure this level's tab is open by selecting window and going down and clicking the levels tab. Personally, I like to dock mine next to modes. Now, click the dropdown next to levels and let's create new. For now, we'll just call it test underscore lighting and drop that into the scene. What we've done is created a new sublevel underneath our persistent level. Now, by default it will be both active and have this icon here indicating that its streaming method is set to blueprint. For our purposes, we want to click always loaded. That means the level will be shown by default. You can change the active level by…
