From the course: Unreal Engine: ArchViz Design Techniques

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Improving reflections

Improving reflections

- [Instructor] One of the easiest, and often overlooked ways to improve the subtle richness of your scene is with reflection capture resolution. It's funny how a single number can have such an impact, but reflections contribute a lot to a scene, whether you have glossy monitors and windows or not. To set the resolution, go to Settings, and then Project Settings. From here head over to the left, down to Engine, and then look for Rendering. Now there's a subsection titled Reflections. resolution is set to 128. Let's bump that up by a factor of four, something like 512. And by the way, these have to be powers of two. Much better. Immediately the difference is clear. Now, just for comparison, I'm going to go back to 128. And then up to 1024. Now you can see that what it's doing is adjusting the resolution of each reflection captured. So this will affect your entire scene. However, there is a performance cost. So only use as much resolution as you need. Reflections are one of those things…
