From the course: Unreal Engine: ArchViz Design Techniques

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Lightmap padding

Lightmap padding

- [Instructor] Light leaks are almost always a UV padding issue. Padding is an important parameter of lightmap generation, but it's hard to wrap your head around what this number should be. So I'm here to show you a great way to let Unreal do the hard work for you. If you have an asset, like this wall here, that has a few light leaks here and there, you can see around the edges here and around the window seams, and look a little further. Let's start by opening up the UV channel one to examine its lightmaps. When you open the UV channel one, you can see that the mesh surfaces are packed very close together. There's almost no room between these different surfaces. Essentially what a light leak is is the amount of space between these is smaller than a single pixel, so it's trying to render black between these, and that pixel might be larger so it bleeds into the surface of the mesh. To fix this, there are two numbers that you'll want to check. The first is under general settings. It's…
