From the course: Unreal Engine: ArchViz Design Techniques

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Material parameter groups

Material parameter groups

- [Male Instructor] When building base materials for use in material instances, it's helpful to organize your parameters so the next person using them can make sense of what you've done. There's two main ways of doing this. Groups, and sort priority. To set up a group, simply select a parameter within a material. And then look over in its details panel. Under the group tab, you can see that there's a dropdown here. Now this will contain a list of all the groups that are set up in this project. But you can also add your own by just simply typing a new one. Like this. These will allow you to organize your parameters by relevant topic, like color or UV scale. And they show up in the material instance. Like this. These groups are organized alphabetically in the material instance. So if you want something to appear at the top, simply add something that's higher on the alphabet. Now that you've got your parameters organized by group you can control the order within the group by setting the…
