From the course: Unreal Engine: Creating Templates for Visualization Projects

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Building a post process volume

Building a post process volume

- [Narrator] In terms of the types of projects that we, as an individual or as a studio, regularly work on, it is entirely possible that we have a signature style or look that we want to add to our template setup. Or it could alternatively be that we typically do lots of jobs that are very similar in terms of their general look and feel. Either way, setting up a post-process volume to suit those needs inside our template here will definitely help us get up and running each and every time we start a new project. One choice that we will need to make at this point though, is what exactly we want to be handled via the post-process volume in our scene and what should come down to both the lights and cameras that we use in terms of the mood and styling. As an example, let's take exposure in the scene. Should this be handled on a per-camera basis allowing for per-camera flexibility when exposing our shots? Do we take a slightly…
