From the course: Unreal Engine: Creating Templates for Visualization Projects

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Constructing a playable camera

Constructing a playable camera

- [Instructor] As we have already noted, one of the most appealing aspects of using Unreal on our visualization project is the fact that we're able to give the end user complete access to all areas of the visualization subjects, with this functionality perhaps being most appealing to those working in the art phase and construction fields. This kind of setup also providing a jumping off point for us to then add extras to the project such as various forms of interactivity along with other immersive elements, such as spatially reactive audio effects, for example. In order to create just a basic playable level, though, the first thing that we will need to do here is create a player controller blueprint, which can be done by firstly jumping into our blueprint folder inside the content browser. And then after right-clicking in some empty space, we can select the blueprint class option from the create basic asset list. In the pick…
