From the course: UX Research Methods: Interviewing

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Organizing and analyzing the data

Organizing and analyzing the data

- Once all the interviews are complete, you'll have to tackle organizing the data and synthesizing insights that the team can use moving forward. I recommend that you include as many people as you can who observed sessions, took notes, or otherwise related to the project in the initial sorting process. Organizing and synthesizing information together means that you'll gather everyone's point of view and the whole team will better appreciate the process and understand the outcomes of the research. You want to try to get everyone learning from the research together, rather than working in a vacuum and reporting back after the fact. However you took your notes, your team's first task is to deconstruct the massive notes you have into individual insights. Have each team member identify useful snippets of information such as what actions people take, what their biggest problems are, people's needs or goals, or particular…
