From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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Animating the interactive lighting

Animating the interactive lighting - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

Animating the interactive lighting

- [Instructor] Here, we'll take a look at more sophisticated techniques for creating interactive lighting effects. First, we'll get tricky to create a difficult procedural mask. Then, we'll use some Nuke automation to procedurally animate a lighting effect to a flickering campfire. Now, this scene has some obvious strong lighting from the right, but our character, not so much. So we'll come down here and add a strong lighting effect to the right. Now, in this case, the challenge is creating a proper mask because we need a mask that will be thick, right here in the mid part, but much narrower up here in the hat. So we need a technique that will adapt to the width of the character. So let's take a look at what got here. Let's come up here and take a look at our alpha channel. We'll scoot in. First thing I did was invert it. And then, I used a Grade node to knock it down. The reason I wanted to knock it down is because I'm going to add together a whole bunch of copies of this thing, and…
