From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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How to prevent despill artifacts

How to prevent despill artifacts - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

How to prevent despill artifacts

- [Narrator] Despill operations can introduce hue shifts where the despill process changes the color of certain objects. It's essential that the competent compositor always inspect his work to make sure the despill artifacts have not been introduced. Here we'll take a look at a couple of ways to prevent the artifacts. So let's scoot in here and look at this roto and protect. Now, for green screen, the despill artifact colors that are gonna get clobbered are the yellows. If you're working in blue screens, then magentas are gonna get hit. So let's take a look at this spill suppression. I used the hue correct node here, I'm not picking on the hue correct node. All despill operations introduce artifacts. So the critical issue is to compare the despilled image to the original. We can do that by just bouncing between the two screens and then looking for hue shifts anywhere in the keyed area. And we can see here that our yellow sweater has turned orange. Now, this is an important point. Even…
