From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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How to QA your comp

How to QA your comp

- [Instructor] To stay employed as a compositor, you need to be able to find the defects in your comps before your comp supervisor or the nice client. Here we'll walk through a checklist that you should run on all your shots before submitting them for review. Now what I've got here is a very simple comp, just key light, a little green screen, and a background. So because it's a nice simple comp, there's lots of issues. OK, so first, one of the things we want to check for first is color correction. Again, you want to check with your luminance version. We want to check with gamma slammer way up high. Check for black points. Make your black point on the foreground and a black point on the background. Make sure that they're happy. And in gamma slammer down, checking for any super whites or bright spots, make sure they're in the ballpark too. And again, do your gamma. So once you've got your luminance sorted out, then you worry about color and make sure that your color looks good, or not…
