From the course: Virtual Training for Sales Trainers and Coaches

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Determine learning objectives

Determine learning objectives

- Last week, my friend, Jill, visited me in Park City with the goal of learning to ski. After a 40-year hiatus, her confidence was low. Upon meeting her ski instructor, he imparted some wisdom. "You have one job today," he said. "Have fun." Since the 1980s, Vail has taught their instructors the goal of each session is for the customer to enjoy themselves so they come back for more. Whether you advance to the blue or black runs is entirely up to you. As trainers, you must continually ask yourself, "What's the goal or objective of my training?" Not, "What do I want to train," but rather, "How do I better equip learners to achieve specific outcomes?" Maybe the goal is to have fun and connect with teammates. Maybe it's to teach a new value proposition to contrast last year's model with this year's upgrades. A tool to keep you on track with learning objectives is Bloom's Verbs. It will help you to strategize desired outcomes…
