From the course: Virtual Training for Sales Trainers and Coaches

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Entertainment online

Entertainment online

- After Miguel's virtual training fell flat, he complained to me about how unresponsive his audience was. "I told them up front this was going to be an exciting and interactive presentation, but they just didn't seem to be up for that. No questions, no interactions, nada. I gave the same training two years ago, and I got a standing ovation. I just don't get it." The sad truth is, to grab hold and keep the audience's attention today, you must compete with your rep's cell phones. Add to that, the increased pressure from delivering over a webcam and you'd best prepare to not only train, but entertain participants. Entertainment doesn't just mean playing the ukulele or doing magic tricks. Although I've met quite a few trainers who do that and it's fun and exciting. What matters here is to create an engaging experience for our learners. As author and Ted speaker Sean Anchor says, "When you feel positive, dopamine…
