From the course: Virtual Training for Sales Trainers and Coaches

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Prepare for the coaching call

Prepare for the coaching call

- When I started my sales career, I reported to two different sales managers, Darren and Greg. Darren spent most days hunched over his computer analyzing charts and graphs. Greg, on the other hand sat in on countless sales conversations. He challenged me to report out on what I did right and where I could improve. Then he gave me feedback. He scheduled weekly check-ins with each rep and soon our team was the dominant force in the region. Greg amassed a huge following and went on to run sales for a Fortune 500 company. Darren I hear was reduced to an individual contributor role. To be an effective coach, you must regularly make time for structured, deliberate coaching conversation. Here's a few rules to ensure maximum effectiveness. Number one, create a checklist. Highly successful coaches adhere to proven processes, frameworks and templates. For shorter sales cycles, you might have one set of skills, components or sales…
