From the course: Virtual Training for Sales Trainers and Coaches

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The four pillars of an effective virtual training program

The four pillars of an effective virtual training program

From the course: Virtual Training for Sales Trainers and Coaches

The four pillars of an effective virtual training program

- Neuroscientists tell us we've created five times as much content in the last five years than in all of human history. The challenge today isn't accessing information, it's filtering it. And it's the same for your learners and your sales teams. Our job as sales leaders is no longer to simply teach information to our sales teams. It's to help them filter, assimilate, prioritize, and apply that information to win deals on a consistent basis. And while I hear a lot of conversation about how the customer has changed and the sales process must evolve, I hear very little about how our training processes must change to engage today's more information-rich, easily distracted salespeople in a virtual world. There's four pillars of an effective training and coaching program. Like legs of a chair, you need all four and no one is more important than the other. The four pillars include education, entertainment, facilitation…
