From the course: Virtual Training for Sales Trainers and Coaches

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What it takes to get results

What it takes to get results

- If you're waiting for the green light, the go ahead, the magic pill that will transform you into a virtual presenter, you better pull out your thermos and folding chair because you're going to be waiting for a good long while. Truth bomb. As my friend, Julie Hanson, author and speaker says, not one of us signed up to be a trainer and a speaker only to talk to a camera. I had no desire to become an expert on technology, lighting, cameras, and microphones, yet here I am and here you are, the actor, the producer, the set designer and the camera crew. Well, this isn't a course about virtual technology. I'm going to share some pro tips on how to use technology and props to ensure an engaging, results producing event. My first tip is to invest in proper lighting. You don't need a multimillion dollar setup, just a window with natural light or an $80 light ring, or LED light will do the trick. If possible, place your…
