From the course: Word Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Rearrange text with cut, copy, and paste

Rearrange text with cut, copy, and paste

From the course: Word Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

Rearrange text with cut, copy, and paste

- [Instructor] I've had one motto since the day I started working with Microsoft Word and that is never retype. If you've typed in content once, you should never have to type it in again. Simply copy it and use it elsewhere in the same document, another document even. So in this movie, we're going to look at using cut, copy, and paste to save us some time when creating documents where there could be repetition. We're going to do it with our Red30 Conference document, 0202 if you're catching up or skipping to this movie. Let's start by going to Red30 Tech that appears here in this first full paragraph. Maybe we want to use that elsewhere in the document. Instead of having to retype it every time, all we have to do is select it. In this case, we'll click and drag over the two words 'til it's highlighted. And now all we have to do is copy it before we choose where we want to paste it. And there's a couple of different options…
