From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Best practices for templates

Best practices for templates

- [Instructor] There's a group of best practices for creating templates in Word. First, in terms of our content, we remove variable text or replace it with placeholders. We then provide instructions or comments as needed. For example, in our Installation Report, we have some instructions, "Monthly and quarterly reports "must be completed and submitted by," and if we didn't want this to appear on every printed document but it was important that people knew this, we would have a couple of other choices. One choice would be to insert this as a comment. If we add a comment however, remember that our users have to be able to remove comment so that they don't appear in the final version of the document. So it depends in some ways on if we want all of our users to need to know how to deal with comments in Microsoft Word. We want to add headers, footers, and page numbers to multi-page documents. Right now this is a single-page…
