From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

Customize a Word template

- [Instructor] I've been tasked with creating a template that can be used as a cover set for faxes. So I'm in Microsoft Word. I entered fax cover to search and I have so many choices. At the top some of them are pretty outstanding. Now, remember at the other end, I don't have any say over what the fax looks like when it's printed at the other side so if I'm very caught up with the fact that it's going to print a blue curve, when you fax that to my fax machine, that's going to come out in grayscale. So bear that in mind when you're creating something that we're sending elsewhere but here's a business fax cover sheet, fax cover sheet professional and I'm going to pop that one open just for a preview and see if this is what I would like. Has a place at the top for company name, address, phone number, that looks great. Very simple, very clean and that works for my company. Now, I could fill this in just once but what I want to do is I want to customize this. First, I'm going to make a couple of changes. I want to insert a table before company name and note that I can't 'cause there's text here so I'm just going to enter to go down a line and I want to just drop in a nice simple table and that would actually be enough because what I want to do is I want to be able to put an image here and I want this text to then be lined up to the right. I have an image that is our company logo and I'm going to insert it right here and if you want to use the same image I'm going to use, it's in the downloadable exercise files and you'll find it in chapter one and it is the KinetEco_curve_logo. And it is huge but we don't want it to be. We want it to be small. Just like that. Then company name I'm going to modify. And I would add a phone number, a fax number. I'm going to add one phone number here so you can see how that will go 'cause I'll want to actually indicate which is a phone, which is a fax. The web address will make good sense but. So you could just continue modifying and notice that it has my name here. That's because this was originally a field. And right now, I'm going to leave that but later in the course, I will show you how you could place a field here instead as was done in the original template so that if you share this with others, it will automatically populate it with their name. And any other changes I wish to make, that would be fine. One more thing, this table has borders and I don't actually want it to have visible borders so I'm going to select it, go to Table Design, set my borders to No Border. And it'll look just like that.
