From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Find and download a template

Find and download a template

- [Instructor] I've just launched Word, and I'm being prompted to choose a template to begin creating a document. Most of the time I almost automatically click Blank Document. But I'm trying to stop myself from doing that so quickly, because there are many other choices that are available. It's helpful for me to know that they exist, particularly if I'm creating a kind of document that I don't create frequently. From Home I can either click More templates or I can simply click New. And I have my, really standard, two types of documents at the top. And then I have all types of templates here. Under Office, these are built-in templates or templates that are available in And then Personal are templates that are templates that I've created. And I don't have any yet. So if I go to Office and I wanted to search for a particular type of a document, I could. It's helpful to just scroll a little bit first.…
