From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Locate and edit a template file

Locate and edit a template file

- [Instructor] Remember that when I create a new document based on my template, I don't get the template, I get the document. An instance of the fax. An instance of my report. What if I want to edit this? I want to change the template to modify it. I'm ready to go back and put in the fax number and the web address, for example. Well, I need to go find it, then. And there are couple of different ways that you could do this. I actually like simply going to search and type in custom office templates. And as it begins, right here is my folder. So, I can open this. And this will be all of my templates that I've created. Here are my Word templates, but these are templates that were created in Excel and in PowerPoint. They're all stored in the same place. So, if I want to edit this document, I can, but this is the document that I need to open. So, if I choose open, now it doesn't say document, it says Kineteco Fax…
