From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Save a style set template

Save a style set template

- [Instructor] This is the template that we've been working on. You can also open it directly from the exercise files folder as Styled Report. We have a Style Set that we've been modifying. It includes a new Style. Extra Styles that aren't needed in this report have been removed. And now we want to save this. And there's no way to save this here, because this Style Set was actually chosen on the Design tab right here as part of our document formatting. So, if you click the Style Set gallery, this is where we would save this as a new Style Set. If we're going to use this same formatting for all reports going forward, then I would save this as a Style Set called reports. But this is purely for reports from the installation division, so I'm going to save this Style Set as Install Reports. Notice that the Save as type is Word Template, and it's automatically being saved in the folder that was selected by Microsoft Word.…
