From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Use field codes in a template

Use field codes in a template

- [Instructor] There's a lot of metadata routinely being tracked about our documents. This is a document called Field Codes, you'll find it in the chapter four folder in the exercise files. But if I go into any file and right-click and look at the properties, there are a number of properties and if I choose advanced properties, there are even more properties and statistics about this particular file. Number of pages, number of characters and words, title, and so on. How do I capture that information and place it in a template? Well, let's go grab the author. We just saw it. I'm going to go to insert, quick parts, field. And I'm going to choose author and click OK. Now I want the word count. Quick parts, field, and the items that are counts are usually under num. Here's num words along with some formatting, which we don't need to worry about. We don't want decimal points in the word count. And then the number of…
