From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Work with the global template

Work with the global template

- [Instructor] Remember while we're working on our installation project report template, this is not the only template in play right now. There are actually three templates that are open. This is our document template, but we also have the global template. Which is also called normal dot m or normal dot, or the default template. And then we have a building blocks template. And both of those are available all the time that we're working in Microsoft Word. I'd like to talk to you a little bit then, about how we modify the normal template. And it helps to know what's stored there. First, this template that we saved is saved with a dot x extension. But the normal template is normal dot m. The m stands for macros. And that's because your normal template can include macros. Visual basic code that you've recorded or written. And because of that, it has to be a template type, the dot m template, that will allow the storage of…
