From the course: Working with Upset Customers

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Listening with empathy

Listening with empathy

Upset customers tend to be angry about two things. The problem itself and how they are being treated. You might not be able to solve every customer's problem, but you can use empathy to soothe your customer's negative emotions. Empathy is the ability to relate to another person's feelings or experiences. Empathizing with an angry customer helps you understand their anger and find ways to help them feel better. After watching this video, you'll be able to relate to customers in a variety of situations and even overcome empathy fatigue. An upset customer can feel even worse if you ignore their negative emotions. Let's revisit a coffee shop scene where the barista makes no attempt to empathize with the customer. You guys screwed up my order again. I was here two days ago and you did the exact same thing. I asked for four pumps of vanilla, and you gave me, like, maybe two. Okay. Well, it's not my fault your drink got messed up last time. I wasn't even here two days ago. Whatever. You're…
