From the course: Write Think and Act Like a Professional Songwriter

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How to finish problematic songs

How to finish problematic songs

- So one of the things that I think all songwriters struggle with, whether they're beginning songwriters or songwriters who've been at this for quite a while, is deciding when a song is finished or struggling a little bit just actually finishing the song. So I'm gonna mention a couple of tips and ways that I use to make sure that my song is finished. One of the first things that I do is make a rough recording of my song. So let's say I have written a song and I've been playing it in the writing room and just kinda going along that way. Until I have made a rough recording of the song, I don't know whether that song is finished. And the reason that I make the recording is because then I'll be able to stop, put down my instrument and hear the song as a listener would hear the song. In other words, once you're listening back to your recording, it gives you much better perspective. And it's very, very different perspective from the kind of perspective you would have if you're playing and…
