From the course: Write Think and Act Like a Professional Songwriter

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Pitching your song

Pitching your song

- OK, so here's the the thing, writing a song is wonderful. Making a great demo of your song is equally wonderful. But if you actually want anything to happen with your song you have to pitch it. You have to get that song out in the world It sounds obvious, but nothing good will happen with your songs unless you show them to people. I can tell you why most songwriters, myself included early on in my career, don't pitch their songs. Number one, it's work. This is no longer the romantic artist lighting up a cigarette and in the middle of the night walking the streets and creating a song out of their mind. This is get up in the morning and send emails, and make follow-up phone calls, and all of the stuff that every other (and I have a friend that doesn't even say the word) J-O-B is about. So what you really have to remind yourself is, if you're going to be a professional songwriter there is work involved. Another reason that songwriters tend not to pitch their songs is, of course, the…
