From the course: Write Think and Act Like a Professional Songwriter

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The value of patience

The value of patience

- After 20+ years of writing songs, I have discovered that nothing ever moves as quickly as we would like when it comes to having success with our songs. However, the other thing I've noticed is that it is utterly amazing how seeds that you can plant years and years before, bear fruit. Years, decades later. To that end, I'm going to give you a couple of reasons why being patient is useful to your career as a songwriter. First and foremost, it helps you appreciate the process. If you enjoy your day-to-day, the rest will ultimately take care of itself. And what I mean by this is, find ways to keep yourself motivated and active in what it is you're doing with music every day. If you have as many irons in the fire as you possibly can, that way you're never just sitting around waiting for that one thing to happen. That is a recipe for true frustration. So, for example, if you write a song and you know you've really nailed it, and you pitch it to somebody. If you just sit around and wait…
