From the course: Write Think and Act Like a Professional Songwriter

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To demo or not to demo?

To demo or not to demo?

- Once the song is done, you have to make a decision whether or not to demo it. If we are honest with ourselves, as songwriters, not every song we write is worthy of a professional demo. The key is to decide which ones are worth the extra effort and investment in making a professional demo. One of the things that I always tell young songwriters when it comes to demoing their songs, is never assume that an industry professional will be able to hear through your rough recording. You really only have, in our industry, one chance to make a first impression. There's an analogy that I use for this that I think is really, um, it's a little bit dramatic but I think it makes the point, and the analogy is, let's say that you are set up on a blind date. And you are a wonderful person, you've got a heart of gold, and you're genuinely a pleasure to be around. But for whatever reason, you get busy the week before that date, and you just don't get a chance to shower. Do you think that your blind…
