From the course: Write Think and Act Like a Professional Songwriter

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Why talent isn't enough

Why talent isn't enough

- So let me begin this section by saying first and foremost that I am not a cynic. I am a big believer that if you have the dream to have success with your songs, then in time you will find that success. However, I am also a realist. There are absolutely no shortcuts, and being a gifted songwriter isn't enough to guarantee success. It takes a combination of patience, perseverance, and most importantly an undeniable work ethic to rise above the masses of songwriters who are all hoping to get their songs out in the world. So to that end, I'm gonna give you a few reasons why being talented is simply not enough. First of all, there are lots of talented people. In the music cities that I've lived in, talent is the least common denominator. It's a huge talent pool. This is a great thing, by the way, we can all learn from each other, and we make each other better. But talent, really, truly, especially in the music cities is only the starting point. Secondly, talent is a gift that you are…
