Josh Mandel, MD’s Post

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Chief Architect at Microsoft Healthcare

Argonaut's 2024 "FHIR Write" initiative launches today, focused on continuous glucose monitoring! We're streamlining standards-based integration of CGM data into EHRs to support collaborative diabetes management. Huge thanks to Redox, Rimidi, Rhapsody, Sensotrend, and Tidepool for helping me and Brett Marquard come up to speed ahead of the project launch. I also want to share my personal pre-launch exploration to learn about CGM: 1. Got a CGM prescription and began tracking my blood sugar. 2. Mapped my CGM readings to FHIR Observation and Device resources. 3. Calculated key metrics like "time in range" as FHIR Observations 4. Created a visualization PDF based on the Ambulatory Glucose Profile, and wrapped this in a FHIR DiagnosticReport 5. Published same visualization as an interactive web view 6. Packaged all this up in a SMART Health Link for secure, structured data sharing + built-in visualization This SMART Health Link represents my past 120 days of glucose history, updated automatically and covering all core data elements described in the Diabetes Technology Society (DTS)'s iCoDE data set: ** Josh's glucose SHLink: ** Anyone with the SHLink can access the structured FHIR resources behind the visualization. In fact, the viewer itself is a SHLink client that knows how to render the data it finds. For a behind-the-scenes tour of the data set, see This proof of concept shows how FHIR can streamline CGM data flows. It can give clinicians structured data for analysis AND summary reports for record-keeping. I should note that this consumer-mediated direction is not necessarily the approach we'll focus on in this year's Argonaut project -- but it has been a great learning exercise for me. Check out the project and code: #healthcare #diabetes #data #FHIR #ArgonautProject A final thought: Even with an "all green" glucose report, there's still much to learn from analyzing specific responses like post-meal glucose spikes. Right now, such subtle signals may be outside the standard clinical focus, but it highlights the wealth of potential insights hidden within raw data.

  • SMART Health Link with Josh's CGM history.

Great work, Josh! I first checked to see which LOINCs you used. Grahame Grieve had a post not too long ago to look for LOINCs for these types of values/devices. Love, love, love that you have the glucose from insterstitial fluid. Keeps these values distinct from lab performed (serum, plasma) Glucs, as well as point of care testing such as capillary blood or self monitoring (SMB) glucoses from meters. Super important so these different glucose values aren't comingled in the EHR, HIT, algorithms, etc. LOINC has been discussing LOINCs for these types of devices, "specimens/sources", etc. for use cases like this. Pamela Banning, MLS(ASCP)cm, PMP Would be great if all device vendors would ensure LOINCs are available (whether lab, smartwatches, etc.) Next question is IVD device info. Looks like Abbott Freestyle Libre3? Do you have the UDI (from FDA's GUDID) for the IVD device(s) involved in generating the values? Does the app allow you to capture a point in time value or only the average range/values? Julia Skapik, how'd you integrate these into the EHR so they are available discretely, encoded, and computer processable/usable, but distinct from the other types of lab results above? Brian Fung FHIRed up?

Michelle Currie MS, RN, CPHQ, CPHIMS

Founder & Principal Business Solution Architect | Healthcare Quality Improvement/Informatics SME


Super cool! I'd love to work together on something sometime. A few questions if you don't mind - What "frequency" did you choose to capture continuous readings and why? Why did you choose to capture "time in range" versus "time out of range? Is one or the other more indicative of HgA1C results? Thanks for posting the code!

Alexander Walley

Software Engineer at NCQA. Opera Singer.


This is awesome work! I have been thinking about how FHIR could be created as a primary medium for embedded computing. If embedded devices outputted FHIR data directly, it would eliminate yet another layer of complexity / the need to map data formats.


Great work Joshua Mandel. How do we make sure the technical capabilities advance while minimizing inconsequential noise to doctors?

James Tannahill, MBA

President of Private Equity, Plocamium Holdings


The involvement of industry leaders like Redox, Rimidi, Rhapsody, Sensotrend, and Tidepool underscores the collaborative nature of this endeavor, bringing together expertise and resources to drive meaningful progress. The personal exploration undertaken by the project lead, including obtaining a CGM prescription, mapping data to FHIR resources, and creating interactive visualizations, demonstrates a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in this space. The creation of a SMART Health Link, which securely packages the individual's glucose history, represents a significant step forward in patient-centered care. This innovation not only facilitates seamless data sharing but also enhances the ability of healthcare providers to deliver personalized and timely interventions. Awesome update, Josh Mandel Microsoft

Gilbert Ramirez

Faculty Director of Health Information Technology at University of California, San Francisco - School of Medicine


Eventually everyone will realize we should never have adopted the EHR in mass, vendors have been lack to support any true innovation here. We never needed an EHR, we needed common data threads linking your healthcare record longitudinally along any point of access. Ultimately owned by you and your care team. The electronic medical record should essentially be a set of applications that interact with these threads in the way best seen fit by the end user, each free to market as such. We would be in a much better healthcare dataspace if this was the present.

Susanne A.

Data -> information -> knowledge -> wisdom


Constructing what's "normal" or "good" for you, and what impacts this, is essential for developing the person centred care that we are all going to need if we are going to live lives that are good quality as well as long. I get annual blood tests that surfaced an emerging issue, which is usually only caught when it's serious and options are limited. Knowing this now means that I can be careful of things that could aggravate the condition, such as prolonged physical stress/dehydration; and signs that further deterioration is happening. (Happily this isn't the case presently).

Vincent Keunen

Andaman7 founder and CEO | Healthcare and medical research change maker | Patient advocate | Digital influencer at HIMSS


This is excellent. Now, to generalize this: 1. let's have all patients manage their health data in full autonomy (with a tool like the one we built: as a patients initiative) 2. let's push for hospitals / EHR vendors to ACCEPT the data provided by tools like Andaman7 into their EHR (of course, they need to manage traceability to see where the data comes from; on traceability, see chapter "Extreme traceability of 3. let's use AI to help manage the large amount of information, see ... we are getting there! Dave deBronkart Josh Mandel, MD

Vijayaditya Ayyagari

Software Innovator, Enterprise Architect, Co-founder, CTO | EHR, HL7, FHIR | Web3, Multi-party systems, Blockchain Developer | DevOps, Agile Project Manager | .NET NodeJS Nest React | Computer Science Professor


Josh Mandel your initiative with the FHIR Write project is commendable, particularly in advancing CGM data integration for diabetes management. Your work is always cutting edge and inspiring to many. On this day of Argonaut 2024 FHIR Write launch, I am glad to share Carefluence has been actively supporting FHIR Write initiatives integral to our platform. Like your CGM report, we have done spirometry integration and vitals from Apple health app using FHIR. As part of ONC’s real-world test plan, we've been reporting spirometry integration and vitals from the Apple Health app data. It's exciting to see how you used SHLink and I am looking forward to review it as an option to share data from our platform. Keep up the excellent work!

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