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Roland Busch Roland Busch is an Influencer

President and CEO of Siemens AG

Siemensstadt Square will not only benefit Berlin. Our digitally designed, carbon-neutral city district offers a blueprint for urban development everywhere. And today, we were honored to have German Chancellor Olaf Scholz with us as we laid the foundation stone.   Siemens is investing €750M in the modernization of Siemensstadt Square, and technologies from the Siemens Xcelerator platform are driving the development.  Siemensstadt Square will be the digital, sustainable, competitive city of the future. We look forward to welcoming our first residents, visitors, and partners next year. Olaf Scholz, Kai Wegner, Franziska Giffey, Christian Gaebler, Ute Bonde, Nathalie von Siemens, Judith Wiese, Cedrik Neike #SiemensstadtSquare #DigitalTwin #TeamSiemens

Joerg Vocke

CEO | Siemens Real Estate


A great milestone for Siemens and Berlin! This project exemplifies our commitment to innovation and sustainability. Looking forward to continuing the journey of shaping the future of #SiemensstadtSquare with our dedicated team. 

Olaf Bolduan

Offen für Neues, Teamarbeit ist Trumpf, die richtigen Wege finden


Ein spannendes Projekt und eine sehr gute Gelegenheit, das Zusammenspiel von Nachhaltigkeit, positiver Klimawirkung und Digitalisierung (Siemens Accelerator) in der Praxis zu erleben. Siemensstadt ist wieder einmal ein guter Ort für Pioniergeist. Das Zusammenwirken mit industrieller Wertschöpfung am Standort ist ein Kern der Zukunftsausrichtung und muss m.E permanent weiter zukunftsfähig entwickelt werden. Ein gutes Beispiel dafür, dass Industrie und Stadt sich nicht ausschließen. Ich wünsche allen Beteiligten gutes Gelingen weiterhin.

Dr. Nina Smidt

Spokesperson of the Board and CEO at Siemens Stiftung


We are glad to be part of the Siemensstadt Square ecosystem with Siemens Stiftung's #STEAM Hub and contribute to promoting #21stCenturySkills among teachers and students in the district's schools and daycare centers. This initiative aims to develop sustainable and innovative solutions to the challenges of the digital age. The future needs education - let's build a sustainable and innovative future for all together!

Andrew Appleby

Maintenance Project Manager


I just did a case study analysis last week of Barcelona, it's housing issues, and the ban on Airbnb. In it I was discussing this very concept, including implementing vertical gardens in parks and turning old, abandoned buildings not only into apartment homes but industrial areas into indoor farms/agriculture centers. Adding to that a combination of solar, wind, and hydro/wave power generation would take the entire city off the grid. If more companies took an active role in involvement in efforts like this, the world would truly be better off later. Waiting on governments to have enough tax money to make changes will never work.

Erik Wiegard

CEO - Werner-von-Siemens Centre for Industry and Science e.V.


Congratulations to the #SiemensstadtSquare team and everyone involved on achieving this important and significant step in the development of #S². As Werner-von-Siemens Centre for Industry and Science e.V., we research in and on the basis of the #Siemensstadt use cases and enthusiastically accompany the development. With the Werner-von-Siemens Centre for Industry and Science e.V., we realize innovation, qualification and industrial transformation by colloboration of industry and science together with SME and StartUps.

Oliver Bäte

Chairman of the Board of Management (CEO) at Allianz


This innovative re-design of an old manufacturing site in Berlin is a model for other cities. Cities are always dynamic and changing, shaped by the needs of the people living and working in them. I’m excited to see how lessons learned from Siemensstadt Square can be applied in more places across Germany and around the world to make cities more affordable, sustainable, and resilient.  

Kambiz Fatehi

Environmental Researcher and Inventor at No Company


Wenn die Antwort, die ich auf eine wissenschaftliche Frage der Physik gegeben habe, nach einem Jahrhundert richtig ist, muss ohne Zweifel gesagt werden, dass der Wert dieser wissenschaftlichen Antwort mehr als 80 % des gesamten Finanz- und Industriekapitals von Siemens Deutschland ausmacht! Der Test der Richtigkeit meiner beiden vorherigen Sätze ist sehr einfach und erfordert nur zwanzig Minuten Zeit, um ein neues Modell einer Anlage zur Erzeugung sauberer Energie in den Tiefen der Meere und Ozeane zu sehen. Es ist seltsam, dass die Physiker diese Frage irgendwie verschluckt haben, sodass niemand sie sehen und beantworten konnte!

Christian Bruch

President and Chief Executive Officer @Siemens Energy


Congratulations to the whole Siemens team for realizing this visionary project !!!

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