
The Nirmata Policy Manager lets platform engineering teams ensure the security, compliance and operational readiness of their Kubernetes Workloads and Clusters by; automating the creation, deployment, and lifecycle management of policy based Intelligent Guardrails, delivering policy insights, alerts, and reports, and enabling collaboration by integration with DevOps process, tools, and teams.

Nirmata Cloud Native Policy Management solution is designed to streamline the adoption of Kyverno across multiple clusters as well as facilitate Policy-as-Code best practices by enabling the deployment of Kyverno policies across fleets of clusters using GitOps workflows.

Nirmata Cloud Native Policy Management solution also promotes collaboration between developers and operators by separation of concerns using secure role-based access, and providing visibility into policy violations, and facilitating rapid remediation.

This product is intended for

  • DevOps Engineer
  • Site Reliability Engineer
  • Infrastructure Engineer
  • Full Stack Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Security Professional
  • Platform Engineer


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