
Since 2014, the Staffbase Employee App has been the company’s most widely-adopted solution amongst its more than 2,500 customers. It has won global awards for highest user adoption rate and the top app for business award.

An Employee App from Staffbase is an employee experience game changer designed to provide mobile-first communications between HQ and a diverse, disconnected, and distributed workforce. Incredibly easy to use, this branded app is a communications platform for the modern employee — a single source of truth for information and work-related services to be conveniently accessed from a worker’s most used device: their smartphone. Create transparency, foster employee engagement, inspire their entire workforce and get the right messages to the right people at the right time.

This product is intended for

  • Chief Communications Officer
  • Head of Internal Communication
  • Head of Corporate Communications
  • Head of Marketing Communications
  • Director Corporate Communications
  • Senior Manager Internal Communications
  • Employee Experience Manager
  • Digital Transformation Manager
  • Intranet Manager


Featured customers of Staffbase Employee App

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