How completions teams are saving more than an hour a day: Automating AER DDS submissions with Peloton Frac.

How completions teams are saving more than an hour a day: Automating AER DDS submissions with Peloton Frac.

Written By: Jocelyn McMinn, Product Manager of Peloton Frac

From code 99 to 42, we got you.

Peloton Frac now autogenerates your Well Drilling Completions Data submissions for Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Digital Data Submission (DDS) upload. This saves time, enhances accuracy, and reduces mismatches with the Fracture Fluid Composition Data XML provided by your frac vendor. Clients indicate this simple tool saves over an hour on each submission.

Fracing Awesome!

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Interval depths.

Everybody has them. They’re the low hanging fruit of efficiency problems. As someone who has worked in the industry for over a decade, it’s mind-blowing to me how many hours are spent manually re-keying the same values into different software, spreadsheets, and data management systems. Let’s dig into it, using a typical 30-stage ball drop as an example where the depths are re-entered six times:

  1. After drilling, the tool company produces a liner install diagram (usually a PDF) based on proposed depths sent over from the operator. This PDF then gets sent to the pressure pumper.
  2. A technical specialist takes the often PDF-only diagram and manually re-keys the 30 top and bottom TVD and TMD depths in their bid proposal software.
  3. The bid proposal is passed to the data van operator. It is re-keyed into their data acquisition software.
  4. Simultaneously, the on-site rep re-keys the depths into their well data management software.
  5. Depths are then re-keyed again for other types of documentation (post-frac reports, chemical disclosures, etc.), delivered by the pressure pumper back to the operator’s technicians, who are then responsible for regulatory reporting submissions.
  6. The completions or DDS tech at the operator then manually re-keys the intervals provided in the PDF report with the Code 42 events for regulatory purposes.

Six different people, and six different places where data errors can happen—not counting the various tracking spreadsheets filled out in the field and the office. Even if the hand-key accuracy at each step is 99%, the compounding error knocks this down to 94% accuracy, or one error for every 20 hand-keyed entries. In our example, each of the 30 intervals require 4 depths, rekeyed six times, meaning 36 potential data mismatches! This represents hours of unnecessary inefficiency in the completions process. These data integrity discrepancies can lead to submission rejection for regulatory reports, meaning the tech needs to resubmit the corrected documentation.

By utilizing a proper completions data strategy, passing data in a full cycle from completions team and back again, most of these errors and time wasters can be eliminated. From the Frac Proposal forward, with Peloton Frac, you will never hand-key again (unless its a plug and perf, where our quick and easy depth editor comes in).

One Completions Team is ahead of the game.

A few weeks ago, a Peloton client asked the team at Peloton Frac if a utility could be built to generate an XML file for intervals to load in the Alberta Energy Regulators DDS (Digital Data Submission) Portal.

This is a mandatory reporting requirement that can take operators hours per well. The Peloton Frac team was excited to collaborate with this client and build out a time-saving utility, that is now available to all our clients.

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When you’re done with the low hanging fruit, and the top of the tree looks tasty, an abundance of further workflow enhancements is possible with our curated reporting APIs—powering the core of true data and efficiency in your operations.

If you’re hungry to save your time, book a meeting using the link below to get your frac data working for you, instead of the other way around.

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