What else can AI do for IT Recruitment other than parse resumes?

What else can AI do for IT Recruitment other than parse resumes?

Yes, Generative AI "helped me" create this article. Using prompts and chain prompts daily is a good way to understand how it can make your life easier and more productive.

For context, I am focusing on some specific disciplines...

  1. Software Development
  2. Big Data
  3. Generative AI
  4. Cybersecurity

The challenge of recruiting in these fields is primarily due to the high demand for skilled professionals and the rapid pace of technological advancement. Employers are seeking candidates who are not only technically proficient but also adaptable to new technologies and methodologies. This demand is expected to persist or even increase, driven by the continuous evolution of technology and the expansion of the tech industry.

For cybersecurity alone, as of 2023, the estimated number of unfilled jobs globally is 3.5 million. This figure has been consistent since 2022 and is expected to remain so through at least 2025, reflecting the ongoing challenge of sourcing skilled talent in this field.

Yes, millions of these jobs go unfilled every year. I don't have a calculator for the amount of productivity loss.

Much of what you have read about AI in recruitment likely centered on automated messaging, resume parsing, and other stuff that has been around for decades.

Remember, the key is to think outside the box and use technology not just to find candidates, but to engage and excite them about the opportunities at your organization. How can you leverage AI to not only streamline the recruitment process but also make it more engaging for tech-savvy candidates? What unique aspects of your company culture and technological advancements can you highlight to attract top talent in these competitive fields?

To creatively recruit candidates in these fields, consider leveraging AI and innovative search techniques. Here are some ideas:

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Recruitment: Create immersive experiences that showcase your company's work environment or simulate real job tasks. This can attract tech-savvy candidates and give them a taste of what it's like to work with your organization.
  2. Gamification in Recruitment Processes: Introduce elements of gaming, such as coding challenges or virtual hackathons, to identify talents more engagingly and practically. This can also help assess candidates' skills in real-world scenarios. Giving a sense of "play" in the recruitment process is favorable for the candidate experience. If they feel a sense of play in the interview, it's going to be a lot easier at offer time.
  3. Skill Development and Learning Path Suggestion: For internal recruitment, AI can suggest learning paths and skill development opportunities for existing employees, aligning them with future job roles and succession planning. For people who may not have received an offer, learnings on how to improve for the next interview (if your company is open to providing such feedback).
  4. Personalized AI-driven Communication: Utilize AI to tailor your communication to candidates based on their interests, previous experiences, and skills. Personalized messages can be more effective in engaging candidates. And no, I don't mean a blanket bulk messaging campaign that mistakenly puts "xxxx" in place of their name. Take 30 seconds to understand how to message someone effectively to improve response rates as well as your brand.
  5. Leveraging Generative AI for Employer Branding: Use generative AI tools to create unique and engaging content that highlights your company's culture and opportunities. This can include AI-generated videos, blogs, or interactive content.
  6. AI-Driven Candidate Sourcing: Use AI algorithms to analyze candidates' online portfolios and social media profiles. This can help identify potential candidates with the desired skill sets who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. Sentiment Analysis on Social Media and Online Profiles: AI can analyze candidates' social media profiles and online activity to gauge their interests, personality, and cultural fit. This involves sophisticated sentiment analysis to understand the nuances of online behavior.
  7. Data-Driven Recruitment Strategies: Analyze market data to understand where your ideal candidates are and what they are looking for in a job opportunity. Use this information to tailor your recruitment strategies. For example, what percentage of Software Developers pick up your phone call versus a message sent via Slack or Discord?
  8. Enhancing Diversity and Reducing Bias: AI can be programmed to ignore demographic information such as gender, race, and age to reduce unconscious biases in the recruitment process. This helps in promoting diversity and inclusivity. Better yet, discover who in your organization could "benefit" from additional training to reduce bias in the resume screening and interviewing process. Many diverse candidates in these skill categories are overlooked due to resume parsing technology and bias. Fix it. Not doing so is just ignorance and laziness at this point.
  9. Performance Prediction and Onboarding: AI can predict how well a candidate will perform in a role based on their skills, experiences, and traits. Post-hiring can also aid in creating personalized onboarding plans to ensure successful integration into the team. More than 40% of new hires who leave within the first month are because of a poor onboarding experience. They aptly tell all their peers about the poor experience as well further damaging your brand. Onboarding should not be an afterthought.

In conclusion, the IT job market in 2024 offers numerous opportunities, especially in Software Development, Big Data, Generative AI, and Cybersecurity. However, the challenge lies in finding and retaining talent that can keep up with the rapid technological changes and evolving industry demands.

These approaches offer a more nuanced and efficient way of recruiting, leveraging AI's capabilities to enhance the recruitment process's effectiveness and the quality of hires.

What are some approaches you are using, or want to use?


  1. Computer Measurement Group. "The Future of Tech Jobs in 2024: Trends and Predictions". Computer Measurement Group.
  2. Promineo Tech. "The Tech Job Market Outlook for 2024". Promineo Tech.
  3. Full Scale. "Software Development in 2024: Exciting Trends to Expect". Full Scale.
  4. icrunchdata. "Predictions for IT Organizations and Users in 2024 and Beyond". icrunchdata.

Ravi Chennaram

Experience in Data Analysis, Data Warehousing, BI, Visualization | Skilled in Python, SQL, GCP(Big Query, Looker, Dataflow), SAP BI on HANA, Power BI, Tableau, Machine Learning, Azure cloud, Agile


Nice topic to discuss Kevin Newell . I have experienced an AI proctored interview, where it evaluated conversation as positive or negative, questions and answers interactions, confidence of candidates, etc. That is one current application in recruitment, other than that, I see vast future scope.


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