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Topic on Project:Support desk

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{{FlowMention|Klein Muçi}}, Remember if you use cloud services, It's highly recommend to subscribe to at least the cloud-announce mailing list, The relevant topic for this announcement was [[listarchive:list/cloud-announce@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/Z5S3KNIHAX3SJRZX5SASN2QTCSE2Q76H/|[Cloud-Announce] [IMPORTANT] login.toolforge.org now points to Buster Grid Engine]]
{{FlowMention|Klein Muçi}}, Remember if you use cloud services, It's highly recommend to subscribe to at least the cloud-announce mailing list, The relevant topic for this announcement was [[listarchive:list/cloud-announce@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/Z5S3KNIHAX3SJRZX5SASN2QTCSE2Q76H/|[Cloud-Announce] [IMPORTANT] login.toolforge.org now points to Buster Grid Engine]]