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There is currently no text in this page - strange things

Stephankk (talkcontribs)

Hi all,

I'm using mediawiki for +15 years. Sometimes you need newer versions.

After the hosting-installatron updates (start with 1.31.1) of mediawiki, my wiki became "corrupt".

Issue: There is currently no text in this page

Editing page does not work, cause page exists in DB. Also in the text table.

New pages creating goes fine. Putting backup back (v 1.31.1) gives the same issue (that's my strange point). It takes a lot time for me to find apossible issue. Not found yet (for sure I did place also more and older backups - same issue).

I decided to create fresh install (installatron) version 1.38.4

And putted an upgraded DB below.

For new pages everything works fine. The old existing pages which are "There is currently..." aren't available and do have the same issue as earlier (when I putted the backup back). So, the version does not affect issue (it's still same findings)

When I try to edit this page (same as earlier also), the next message becomes:

The revision #0 of the page named "IToon" does not exist.

This is usually caused by following an outdated history link to a page that has been deleted. Details can be found in the deletion log

I hope someone recognize this problem and give me an hint to tix. Thanks in advance

Bawolff (talkcontribs)
Stephankk (talkcontribs)

Thanks for your hint. Issue still there.

Also runned: attachLatest.php, findMissingActors.php, findAnomalies.php, migrateActors.php But no results.

Futher analysis: the revisionXX tables are not filled in. New created page they do.

So I tried creating records in the tables of an old existing page.

Just for checking if I can fix the problem with sql update queries.

Now, the correspondending old test page gives after refresh in the browser the message: Main slot of revision not found in database. See T212428. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T212428

I don't know if it gives more insight in my problem, but this are some findings..

Table revision_comment_temp , field revcomment_comment_id giving high number, issue still issue.

So I think it should be possible to make with good sql the old pages available, based on table page and table text (perhaps some more). Or do I miss something?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

that's probably from manually filling in some of the tables but not others. The error is essentially telling you there are referential integrity issues.

Generally i would reccomend not trying to manually adjust the database but use the updater script where possible.

Stephankk (talkcontribs)

Yes they were for sure.

Problem found. The intallatron backup mechanism of the hosting skipped some tables.

So, manually import script and no modifications. And now it works. thanks again for help!

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